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Dr. Oetker publishes Sustainability Goals

The projects of the Dr. Oetker Sustainability Charter are already running at full speed



<Bielefeld, Germany, April 8, 2021> Dr. Oetker has always assumed responsibil- ity and sees sustainable action as part of its corporate DNA. The company has now bundled its ambitious sustainability goals in the Dr. Oetker Sustainability Charter. Among other things, Dr. Oetker wants to achieve climate neutrality, re- duce plastic and make its packaging fully recyclable. In addition, the company is investing heavily in the nutritional profiles of its products.


“As a food-producing family business with production and distribution companies on every continent around the world, we are aware of our special responsibility towards people and nature. With the implementation of the Dr. Oetker Sustainability Charter, we promote the conscious lifestyle of our consumers, ensure fair and sustainable con- ditions along the entire supply chain while at the same time minimize our ecological footprint. Dr. Oetker is thus remaining true to its core competence, producing high- quality food for sustainable moments of enjoyment and offering its consumers more and more relevant solutions around its product ranges,” says Dr. Albert Christmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Dr. Oetker.


Three dimensions of the Sustainability Charter


The Sustainability Charter, which was rolled out internally in 2020, comprises of a total of 27 projects, under the umbrella of which interdisciplinary teams work to achieve the ambitious sustainability goals. The specific goals are assigned to the three dimensions Our Food, Our World and Our Company.





Our Food pursues the approach to enable consumers to lead a health-oriented and sustainable lifestyle. Among other things, Dr. Oetker will strengthen its existing activi- ties and continue to develop healthier foods. By 2025, for example, the company aims to optimize the nutritional profiles of its products and, for example, reduce the use of salt, sugar and fat by up to 20 percent.


Our World brings together all the activities with which Dr. Oetker positively shapes the social and environmental impact of its corporate activities. The company will achieve climate neutrality at all locations by 2022. The amount of food waste that Dr. Oetker can directly influence will be reduced by 25 percent by 2025. With the goal of ensuring that all packaging materials can be recycled by 2025, the company is also making an important contribution to reducing plastic waste. In addition, Dr. Oetker plans to make its supply chains sustainable – both socially and ecologically.


Our Company relates to the employees of Dr. Oetker: The company remains a social employer, ensures equality and promotes diversity. With the aim of completely pre- venting occupational accidents, Dr. Oetker will also implement a management system that complies with the internationally recognized certification standard ISO 45001 at all production sites by 2025.


All goals and background information can be found at: (German and (English)


Focus on consumer needs


When designing the goals, Dr. Oetker naturally included its consumers, as Dr. Judith Güthoff, Head of Sustainability & Compliance at Dr. Oetker, explains: “The results of the surveys of internal stakeholders and our consumers are, in addition to our own convictions, an important basis for the goals we have set ourselves in the Sustainabil- ity Charter. Dr. Oetker has always focused on the consumer. So it is only logical that we should hear their opinion and include their wishes. Against this background, the Dr. Oetker Sustainability Charter is also a reflection of social developments that aim to put





issues such as climate protection, animal welfare and diversity at the center of our ac- tivities. At the same time, our actions reflect the increasing health awareness of con- sumers, for whom conscious and sustainable nutrition is becoming more and more im- portant. We take this into account with our sustainability goals.”





About Dr. Oetker

Within the Oetker Group, Dr. Oetker forms the umbrella for numerous production and sales companies that are ac- tive in over 40 countries and, in addition to the core markets in Europe, also operate in North and South America as well as in Africa, Asia and Australia. In the 2019 financial year, Dr. Oetker and Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese achieved sales revenues of EUR 3,390 million. Dr. Oetker and Coppenrath & Wiese employ over 16,200 people worldwide – around 7,000 of them in Germany. Founded 130 years ago in Bielefeld, the family company Dr. Oetker is one of the leading branded goods companies in the German food industry. The diverse product landscape with around 1,000 products in Germany and more than 4,000 different products worldwide includes, among other things, baking ingredients, baking mixes, decorative products, desserts, sweet meals, chilled desserts, preserves, ready-made cakes, Vitalis muesli, frozen pizzas and snacks, decoration products, a varied offer for bulk consumers and much more.




If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG Corporate Communication

Dr. Jörg Schillinger

Phone: +49 (0) 521 155 2619

Email: Internet:



Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG Corporate Communication

Thierry Krauser

Phone: +49 (0) 521 155 2349

Email: Internet:


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