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The Iconic Estate wines, from Alexandrion Group portfolio, obtained 10 gold and silver medals at International Wine Contest Bucharest Vinarium 2020

The wines from The Iconic Estate portfolio were distinguished with 10 medals – 6 gold medals and 4 silver medals – at the International Wine Contest Bucharest Vinarium 2020 (IWCB Vinarium 2020) competition, one of the most important international wine contests in Eastern Europe. The 10 wines awarded at IWCB Vinarium 2020, both still and sparkling, which are part of the wide and versatile portfolio of The Iconic Estate, member of Alexandrion Group, stood out among the 1,000 varieties from 13 countries registered in the competition, assessed by a jury made of both local and international specialists in the wine industry.

Two of the wines from Prahova Valley range were awarded with gold and silver medals. Prahova Valley Merlot won a gold medal with its vigurous and balanced flavour with prunes and black cherries flavours and Prahova Valley Cabernet Sauvignon obtained a silver medal due to the balance between acidity and flavours, having an elegant after taste.

Colina Piatra Albă wine – White (coupage: Chardonnay, Viognier, Fetească Albă) stood out through its fruity flavour and the long, slightly floral and mineral end, qualities which brough it a silver medal.  The deep ruby red colour with violet touches, the oak notes and vanilla and chocolate flavours, well integrated in the robust structure were appreciated by the jury that awarded Colina Piatra Albă – Red (coupage: Cabernet, Sauvignon, Shiraz, Cabernet Franc).

From the The Iconic Estate sparkling wines segment, Rhein Extra Brut Imperial, produced according to the traditional method with the second fermentation in the bottle, stood out. The white gold colour, the fresh taste and the fine perlage brought a gold medal to this wine at IWCB Vinarium 2020.

The 10 The Iconic Estate wines that obtained gold and silver medals at IWCB Vinarium 2020 are – Rhein Extra – Brut Imperial (gold medal), Prahova Valley – Merlot (gold medal), Hyperion – Viogner (gold medal), Hyperion – Cabernet Franc (gold medal), Colina Piatra Albă – Red, coupage: Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Cabernet Franc (silver medal), Colina Piatra Albă – White, coupage: Chardonnay, Viognier, Fetească Albă (silver medal), Prahova Valley – Cabernet Sauvignon (silver medal), Burebista – coupage: Fetească Neagră, Shiraz (gold medal), Galerie Roumanie – Chardonnay (gold medal) and La Umbra – Pinot Grigio (silver medal), the last 3 of them being produced for the export market.

The 17th edition of IWCB Vinarium 2020 took place online between 28-31 May and was organized in partnership with the Association of Authorized Tasters in Romania (ADAR), under the partronage of the International Organization of Wineyard and Wine (OIV) and the International Federation of Large Wine Consumers (VINOFED).

The Iconic Estate wines are available in the large store chains, covenience stores,  HoReCa venues, the online shops of Alexandrion Group partners and on, part of Alexandrion Group.


THE ICONIC ESTATE, member of Alexandrion Group, is producer, exporter and selectiv importer of sparkling and still wines. The company owns production and storage intallations, three bottling lines, storage with controlled temperature and underground cellars. The winery from Tohani, Gura Vadului has one of the biggest cellars from Dealu Mare region and a  processing capacity of 5,000 tones of grapes per year, approximately 3.6 million liters of wine being produced annualy, representing approximately 5 millions of bottles. Every year, the produced wines were awarded in various international competitions. THE ICONIC ESTATE is selling its wines in more than 40 countries in the world and has become the second biggest exporter of bottled wines in Romania.

Rhein & CIE Azuga cellars, part of THE ICONIC ESTATE are the oldest location where the sparkling wine has been produced according to a traditional method from France, from the set up until now. The Royal House of Romania appreciates the wines from our cellars for their superior quality, having appointed THE ICONIC ESTATE the official supplier for still and sparkling wines.

THE ICONIC ESTATE owns over 255 hectares of wineyards, most of them being located in one of the most fertile wine regions in România, Dealu Mare – a region that provides a significant part of the grapes used for the production of exceptional wines, similar to two famous wine regions in Europe: Piemonte in Italy and Bordeaux in France.

The Iconic Estate wines, from Alexandrion Group portfolio, obtained 10 gold and silver medals at International Wine Contest Bucharest Vinarium 2020The quality, value, refinment and distinction of the wines, recommed THE ICONIC ESTATE as one of the best Romanian wine producers that have valued the wine potential and diversity of the country, through own production wines: Rhein Extra, Millennium, Hyperion, Neptunus, Kronos, Rhea, Theia, Colina Piatra Albă, Byzantium, Prahova Valley, Floare de Lună, Floarea Soarelui, La Umbra, La Crama and others.


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